WOW, did summer break go by fast? I wanted this summer to be fun so I tried to plan quite a few activities. We started off with a bang and headed to St. George for Utah Summer Games. Carter's team didn't win a game, but we enjoyed Cedar City and St. George. He participated in another tournament call Cache Valley Cup, his team placed 2nd, which was great! Carter and Caleb took swim lessons, which they loved! We went down to Seven Peaks and that was great fun also. Denise and I ventured out into a couple of fun rides, and who doesn't love the wave pool! Carter went to scout day camp at Camp Fife. He rode a zip line and thought it was AWESOME! Carter went to Stew Morrill basketball camp and decided that basketball isn't his favorite sport :( Last but not least we headed to the Oregon Coast the first week of August. It was great fun and I would love to go back again. It was a few too many hours in a car with a bunch of kids, but which family vacation isn't??? The best thing about the Florence, OR vacation was our meals. We at 14 people, 9 adults and 5 kids. Our rental house had a nice big kitchen so we decided to cook all of our meals rather than eating out. We fed 14 people for 8 meals for a total of $16 per person!! Isn't that awesome??? I forget to take pictures, but here are some of them.

We went crabbing, we didn't catch anything we could keep and it was really cold!

This sand dune tour was AWESOME, I would do it again in a second!

Doesn't this picture spell TROUBLE???

The disfunctional family!!!
Carter and his awesome kicking skills.
Tomorrow, is a big day! I need to mentally plan to send my baby to kindergarten. I know, this is weird.