Monday, September 28, 2009

Never say Never

For everybody that says "Oh, I could never do ......", I am here to tell you that nothing is impossible!! I would always say that I would NEVER run, it hurts my body to bad or if you run somewhere, that means that you have to turn around and run back to where you came from. That would take to much work. Well, I ate my words on 9/19/09. I ran my first ever marathon and finished in 4 hours and 18 minutes. After months of training I proved to myself that I can do hard things and that I am not quite over-the-hill yet, despite hitting 35 this year. Before I turned 30 I used to eat WHATEVER I wanted and I would ALWAYS have dessert (my friend reminded me of this during the middle of the marathon). Well, now I have to exercise if I want dessert and I can't go back for seconds :(, no matter how good the food is. It was a great day and now I am trying to figure out what I want to accomplish next. Any ideas???? Below are some pictures and my #1 fan Cynthia took for me at the marathon, despite falling backwards over a construction cone :)

This is my cousins husband Jim and he also ran the race and finished way before I did! He doesn't count because he run marathons all of the time.


The Stoddard Show said...

go Annie go! Your next goal is to become a concert pianist;)

Trevor and Amy said...

Congrats Annie! You amaze me! I don't think I will put myself through that misery! Although I bet you felt pretty darn good afterwards! And look how skinny you are! How would it be??? Good Job! And I'll keep thinking of some goals that the Domestic Diva's can do for next year! :)

Denise said...

You make me proud sista. Perhaps people from a distance that it ws me running the marathon instead of you since people seem to get us confused! Ha!

shelleyv said...

Hey Andrea! Congratulation! What a great accomplishment. I wish I could have been there to see you! I ran st george last week! It was hard but very enjoyable. We Winegars Rock!