Sunday, November 8, 2009

Kids say the darndnest things part II

Yesterday Buster decided to take my church bag and dump it out all over his bedroom. When I saw this I told him to pick it all up. Well, he threw everything in the bag including all the crayons that were once in the crayon box. I said that this isn't the way you found the bag, so I dumped it back out and told him (yes I was being mean) to put the crayons back in the box. He was just sitting on the floor crying and I started feeling a little guilty, so I said I would help him. Through his sad little voice he said " Mom, Jesus said love everyone, treat them kindly too, why aren't you obeying Jesus's commandments?" I had to start laughing, because this kid can make the biggest mess and wonder why I get so angry. He always say's he is to little to pick up his messes and he needs help. What is a mom to do with such an innocent question??

1 comment:

Denise said...

WOW! Those are some amazing pictures. Who took them? I like all of them!