Friday, April 30, 2010

No TV week... ugh

Don't get me wrong, I don't let my kids sit in front of the television for hours! When they wake up in the morning and to calm down out night they like to watch some shows. Well, Carter came home with the contract this week and was willing to give it a try. The contract said no video games or TV from April 30 (after school) to May 7th. I am wondering if he can still use the computer?? I told him we can build cool stuff with the Lego's, read, hopefully the weather will cooperate for outside play and board games. After Carter was home about 1/2 hour from school he said "This no TV week is going to be easy", I sure hope so was my reply. I am pretty sure that Buster and Paul are not going to participate, since the Jazz are playing and there is a new Star Wars the Clone wars on tonight. Carter and I are going to give it our best. I am already dreading Saturday, fasting along with no TV, what am I going to do? I would watch TV to take my mind off of fasting and now that isn't an option! Wish us luck.


sharon berrett said...

Good Luck with no TV. You could do genealogy from the church website. That's one fun thing to do. Call us is another great thing to do. Love,Mom

Denise and Nathan said...

you can pick your nose and sing Silent Night...

Stephanie said...

Sooo.. how's it going? Get some good books to read!