Saturday, February 21, 2009

Love is in the air

It's that time of year again, when you go to the store and look for Valentines for your kids. Well, Carter picked out the valentines for his classmates they when he has finished them I noticed that he didn't have enough for his teacher, teachers aid, and the 2 student teachers. So I actually had some valentine type cards so I told him just to write a quick note to each person. Well, apparently he must like McCalle, because after he finished writing her card I took a quick look to see what he had written. NOTICE THE BOTTOM LINE ON THE CARD!! Watch out ladies, Carter goes for the older women!

If you can't read it he put his phone #. I tried really hard not to laugh. When I asked him why he put his phone # he said with a cute little smile "I don't want her to forget me". Duh, what a dumb mom!!

Carter has a great teacher that planned a Valentines day tea. I brought some chocolate dipped strawberries (middle of the above picture to the right). Each child had to have one sandwhich, and then they each took about 5 desserts. The fun thing about this tea party was that it was the Mad Hatter theme, so each child mad their own hat. I was impressed with how original Carter was.

The funny thing about Carter hat is that his teacher had to get something out of the cupboard right next to Carter to she got out her stool and climbed up and got what she needed then she stepped down and the feather on Carter had "goosed" her and gave her a little scare.
Wow, that was a lot about Carter, but one last thing. Carter just finished ski lessons and he had a BLAST! I hope he keeps enjoying it because he is doing very well.
February was also filled with multiple USU basketball games and a few USU hockey games. Carter was able to go out during one of the breaks in the hockey game and throw ding dongs into the stands to everybody.
I (Andrea) started taking a weight lifting class up on campus so I can get back in shape to run the 1/2 marathon again this year. I haven't really lifted weights before, but I am excited to get all ripped, just kidding, I don't think by body is made that way, it prefers bulges.


Denise said...

Carter's hat was pretty cool, I have to admit. And those dipped strawberries were to die for!

The Stoddard Show said...

I'm excited to see your muscles. We're here to pump you up! hugs! Tonya