Friday, January 22, 2010

Super Buster to the rescue!

For Christmas Buster received a foam padded hockey stick (p.s. it still hurts when you get hit with a padded hockey stick) and roller blades that are especially made for kids. The roller blades start out with one wheel in the front and two in the back, then when they get better you can move the wheels in a straight line like roller blades. Anyway, he loves to put them on and play hockey in the house. Then he added the blanket so it looks like a cape! He is so funny because he love to pretend, that kid can play all day in dress ups and pretend he is 100 different people ( robot boy, army guy, hockey star, spider man, ninja.......) you get my drift!


Denise said...

Bustay--you look like a pro player!

The Stoddard Show said...

so cute! i love the imagination of children. carter's wall is very impressive and your villa is delightful. i'm glad you are realizing your inner child ;)

Rushton's said...

thanks for the comment on my blog! I'm glad you do BB also. I just love it. Fun to see your blog and to know people from home.