Thursday, February 18, 2010

We love the Olympics!

Carter and I have been enjoying the 2010 Winter Olympics. We have watched quite a few of the competitions, I think Carter enjoys them because that means he gets to stay up later at night. I have loved watching figure skating ever since I was a child. My sisters and I would try to copy the moves in our living room. We would wear our slippers that had slippery bottoms and we would slide around on the carpet. So Carter and I watched the pairs "ice dancing" and then the next night it was men's figure staking. When we were watching it all of a sudden Carter says " Mom, this is very disturbing to me." , then a minute later "I don't think I can keep watching this, it is very disturbing to me" I was thinking, "What is so disturbing about this?" Then when I really looked I noticed men wearing feathers on their hand and puffy sleeved outfits. They way they were dancing on the ice all by themselves. Then I realized that I was glad that Carter found it to be disturbing.

1 comment:

Denise said...

ha! ha! I totally saw that guy. It was disturbing. He looked girly.

p.s. the pictures didn't show up when I pulled up your blog, but just for your most recent post. Are they showing up on your end??