Friday, February 26, 2010

Don't put all your eggs in one basket!

You know those dang grocery carts that your kids always want to ride in at the store? They are huge and they are shaped like a sports car or the carts THAT have a section where two kids can buckle up? You need a CDL to drive those things and they are a big pain in the butt especially when you just wanted to get some yogurt and maybe a carton of eggs. Well, yesterday I ran to the grocery store and Buster wanted one of those big carts and I just needed to get a few items. So, thinking I was real smart I talked him into getting his own "little" grocery cart. You know the carts, the ones that are the perfect size for a little kids to push? This one needed to have the wheels oiled because it had a really high pitched squeaking sound the whole time he was pushing it. For some strange reason, kids feel the need to run really fast when they have one of those carts. So, Buster started running with the cart and then he needed to turn his cart well, of course it wouldn't make sense to slow down ?!?!?! So, he takes the corner at full speed and he had the little cart on 2 wheels then it was laying on it's side with the grocery rolling all over the store floor. You guessed it, my carton of eggs were on the floor also, I had super sized my eggs and was getting the 18 pack that day, bad choice on my part. Anyway, Buster felt really bad and we proceeded to pick up the items and when I picked up the egg carton and opened it up, there were a few casualties. I was honest and I purchased that carton of eggs and ran home and boiled them before the slightly damaged ones went bad. All in the day of a life with a little boy!


Denise said...

so much for super sizing the eggs. glad the casualties were at a minimum. Ya, whoever invited those little kid carts....was NOT a genius....

The Stoddard Show said...

i can just picture buster doing the indy 500 in albertsons! that is too funny! i know what you mean about the "tank" of a cart. i hate those things. you can't take them down any clothes aisles without removing all the clothes from the rack.

jacob always wants to get those "tanks" and I try to negotiate with him. i tell him you can have it if you want to push it!! thanks for the laughs!