Sunday, September 28, 2008

Summer Fun

OK, I will admit that this looks really mean! Sometimes, your kids do things and you just have to take a picture. There has been a couple of times in the past where I wished I would have grabbed the camera rather than going to the child's aid. Well, when this opportunity arose, I grabbed the camera. When they say a picture is worth a thousand words, I think this picture fits into that category. I like the tear on the cheek! I didn't photo shop that in, it is real. I was in my bathroom getting ready and I could hear him moaning in the kitchen and I could tell that he was saying my name, but it sounded really funny. So finally he came looking for me since I was ignoring him ( I know, mean MOM). When he found me I started to laugh and that is when the tears started. I did feel really bad.... after I snapped the picture.

A few weeks ago we went out to Paul's parents house to pick some corn. There had tons of corn and we asked if Carter to take come and sell it out by our house. We set of the awning and made some signs. Carter sat out there for a couple of hours with his friends and made about $34 dollars. He was really excited about the money, but though that he should have made quite a bit more. It is hard to explain to a 7 year old that earning money doesn't always happen quickly and when you do earn it, sometimes it isn't as much as you would like it to be.

We took a mini trip to SLC before school was to start in August. We went to Cherry Hill, Clark Planetarium, Temple Square and Lagoon. Buster really enjoyed riding TRAX. That was the only free thing that we did, why do things always work that way?

We had a great summer,we didn't take any major trips, we took a couple of smaller ones. We went to mom and dad's over the 4th of July for a family reunion. The kids always have fun when there is water and food involved, OK, so do the adults. We shot skeet, played games, slept in tents (at least part of the night), went to the Vale suicide horse race and jumped on the trampoline.


Unknown said...

i like......

Denise said...

The ice-cube picture is a classic...the tear and everything.

The Stoddard Show said...

that is too funny! i know what you mean, take the picture first and then tell them you are sorry later. i don't think carter will repeat that mistake, ouch!


Trevor and Amy said...

I am laughing so hard right now. I had to click on the picture of Carter to make it bigger. Poor Carter! Every kid has to try it though!

Cynthia Berrett said...

Annie I didn't know you were friends with Brittany Spears.

Karie Coats said...

Isn't it amazing at who finds your blog???? Hope you don't mind me taking a peek from time to time!

Jan said...

I had no clue that you had a blog too. Cool. I enjoyed your sister's testimony. She's a doll. Paul is looking pretty pale at the pool. Can I add you blog address to my site?

Megan and Jon said...

Honestly do I have to blog stock you in order to see you abusing your kids with ice cubes.. Come on... I'll be back..