Sunday, November 9, 2008

Happy Halloween!

I bet Dentists love Halloween. It means more business. Paul says that he hates to take the kids trick or treating, but deep inside it reminds him of being little again and enjoying the best day of the year. For those of you who didn't know, Paul LOVES candy! So, he and the kids left the house about 5:15 pm, and I didn't see them again until about 8:15 pm. That means about 3 hours of trick or treating! Do you want to know how much candy you can get in 3 hours? It was probably about 10 pounds of candy. They went to almost every house in the ward boundaries and also made a trip to the church to another wards trunk-or-treat. I tried to tell them you aren't supposed to go unless you donate, but it didn't matter.

Buster loved his costume, he loves Firemen and was so excited to get dressed. He has worn the costume numerous times since Halloween. Who says boys can't play dress up? Carter, bless his heart, that kid changed his mind at least 10 times a day as to what he was going to be for Halloween. At school he dress up as the Grim Reaper(spelling). Then when he go home he decided that he wanted to be somebody from Star Wars, I can't remember the persons name. So we used the same outfit and put a light saber on his belt and called it good. Carter also decided this year that he wanted to use a pillow case rather than a trick or treat bag. Well good thing, because that bag was half full when he arrived home.


Denise said...

Annie, way to update your blog:)

The Stoddard Show said...

Carter was very proud of this candy bag! He had me take a picture of all of the lout! It's great that parents can live vicariously through the kids! I still love to dress up!

hugs! Tona

Cynthia Berrett said...

I think Paul has the biggest smile compared to Buster and Carter.

Trevor and Amy said...

Wow, they made a haul! They sure looked cute in their costumes!